In our strong Northern Colorado real estate market, it can sometimes seem like there is simply nothing that matches your criteria. On the flip side, sometimes it can be overwhelming to weed through everything that fits ‘on paper’ to figure out what is going to fit your needs.
Our solution is twofold. First, we always focus on Elimination versus Selection. We prefer to start every search as broadly as possible to have the largest ‘net’ and gather everything that could potentially work.
Then we narrow the focus slowly by eliminating only the true ‘dealbreakers’ that are not worth considering. As the process continues it will become easier to identify things that you would like to eliminate further. We gradually narrow the scope until we are looking only at those homes that will be a great fit for you.
Secondly, during our first meeting we will work to identify your true Needs versus Wants <insert blog link>. This often means looking beyond the ‘Good on Paper’ <insert blog link> house. For example, you may feel that you MUST have three bedrooms when a two bedroom house with an office might work perfectly. Had we only focused on the three bedroom ‘on paper’ fit, you may have missed the perfect home. We will help to identify the areas in which flexibility on paper may be a good idea for your goals