Loveland is located in the Thompson Valley School District R-2J which covers schools in Loveland, Berthoud, Masonville, Drake, and the southern part of Fort Collins

  • There are 34 K-12 schools, including 25 public schools and 9 private schools. Loveland public schools belong to one districts, Thompson School District R-2J.
  • There are 21 Loveland elementary schools, 11 Loveland middle schools, 8 Loveland high schools and 24 Loveland preschool schools.

The State of Colorado allows children to attend any school in the school district this is called intradistrict choice aka “school of choice” or outside the district (called interdistrict choice), as long as there is space. Students who attend unsatisfactory schools are given preference. Low-income students in grades 1-8 who attend low-performing schools are eligible for transportation tokens to attend a different school. Students can also attend charter schools.

According to the rating system the Thompson R-2J school district is rated a 7 out of 10 and a total of 15,332 students in the district.

According to the school district has the following statistics:

Thompson School District R-2J Statistics

District Spending

The Thompson School District R-2J spends $8,356 per pupil in current expenditures.  The district spends 53% on instruction, 44% on support services, and 3% on other elementary and secondary expenditures.

District Student-Teacher Ratio

The Thompson School District R-2J has 17 students for every full-time equivalent teacher, with the CO state average being 17 students per full-time equivalent teacher.  

District Student Information

The Thompson School District R-2J had a grades 9-12 dropout rate of 5% in 2008.  The national grades 9-12 dropout rate in 2007 was 4.4%.  The Thompson School District R-2J serves 3% English Language Learners (ELL).  ELL students are in the process of acquiring and learning English Language skills.